Terms of service

By accessing or otherwise using PXM Forms ("Service"), you, as User,  are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions ("Terms").


Please read these  Terms carefully and make sure you understand them. If you do not understand these Terms or do not accept any part of them, then you may not use the Service.

Effective date: June 1, 2024

About us

PixelMakers Studio S.R.L. (‘’PixelMakers’’ is a Romanian company that specializes in IT design, programming, implementation, and development of applications, automation, websites, online stores, and software as a service.

To see more about us you can visit https://pixelmakers.com

Subject to the Terms

PXM Forms is a software application created by PixelMakers for managing forms, which offers the possibility of integration with the Webflow platform.
This application can be accessed after creating a user account.
The Service manages the storage of form submissions and integrates with the Google ReCaptcha service for protection against spam.
All data from the form are stored in Germany, on Google Cloud Platform and Xano.
As a User, you can connect the form created in Webflow with PXM Forms. You can also configure the software to send email and SMS notifications for each form submission.

Account Terms

In order to use PXM Forms you are directly responsible for maintaining the security of your account and login credentials. Do not give others access to your account. The Service cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to comply with this security obligation.
You are directly responsible for the activity that occurs under your account (including content posted by others on any site that links to the Service).
You may not use the Service for any illegal purpose or to violate any law in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
You must provide us with information that is accurate and complete when you create your account, also you are required to keep your account information up to date.
You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity, or that is not legally available for use, a name or trademark that is the subject of any rights of another person or entity other than you, without appropriate authorization or name that is otherwise vulgar, obscene or offensive.
You must be human. Accounts registered by "bots" or other automated methods are not allowed.

Modifications to the Service

The Service reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any part of the Service with or without notice.
The Service shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension, or interruption of the Service.

Payment terms and warranty

Regardless of the chosen plan fee, the Service is billed in advance, with automatic payment on the invoice date.

The Service reserves the right that automatically cancel the chosen plan if your debit bank account fails.
Any plan fee change made by the Service will become effective at the end of the then-current billing cycle.
Any plan upgrade or downgrade made by you , as a User, will become effective at the moment of the then-current billing cycle.
There will be no prorating for upgrades or downgrades in between billing cycles.
Downgrading your Service may cause the loss of features or capacity of your account. The Service does not accept any liability for such loss.


Account Cancellation

You are solely responsible for proper cancellation of your account. Please email support@pixelmakers.com to request cancellation. Your account is not considered canceled until you receive a confirmation e-mail from the Service.

All of your content will be inaccessible from the Service immediately after cancellation. In 60 days, all data can be permanently deleted from all backups and logs. Information cannot be recovered after it has been permanently deleted.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Pixelmakers through its legal representants, employees, and or collaborators, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use or other intangible losses, resulting from:

Your access to use the Service or inability to access or use the Service.

Any conduct or content of any third party on the Service.

Any content obtained from the Service.

Unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your transmissions or of your content.

Processing of personal data

The Service will process your personal data exclusively to fulfill its collaboration obligations.
The Service won’t share and/or sell your personal data.
The Service will be liable to you, as a User, for processing personal data under the provisions of Article 28 par. (3) of Regulation (EU) 2016 / 679 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.


The Service has disclosed or may disclose proprietary or non-public business, technical, financial, or other information (“Confidential Information”) to you, the User. Our Confidential Information expressly includes non-public information regarding features, functionality, and performance of PXM Forms, including security and reliability-related information.

The Confidential Information of the other will be used only to perform the obligations and/or exercise the rights in these Terms. Confidential Information must be protected and respected.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

The agreement between PixelMakers and the User, which stays on these Terms, will be governed and interpreted exclusively under Romanian law, regardless of the User's nationality.

Any misunderstanding, dispute, or conflict about the existence, validity, interpretation, execution, or termination of the agreement between them will be the object of a preliminary negotiation procedure, in good faith, which can be carried out within 30 days from the date of initiation by notification.

If an amicable solution is not reached in the terms above, PixelMakers and the User agree that this situation will be settled by the arbitration of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania under the Rules of Arbitration Procedure of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration, in force, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

Entire agreement

The agreement represents the entire agreement between you, as User, and us, the Service; together we respect and assume the present Terms, including, but not limited to the provisions relating to the termination of the agreement (cancellation), the applicable law, and jurisdiction, limitation of liability, and any other similar clauses.

Updates to the Terms

The Service may update or modify these Terms from time to time at its sole discretion by posting the changes on its website or by otherwise notifying you, the User (such notice may be via e-mail).
You may follow from time to time our posts on the website.


ANPC - www.anpc.gov.ro

SOL- https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show

Company Details

Name: PixelMakers Studio Srl

VAT: RO 43917962

Registration: J29/705/2021

EUID: ROONRC.J29/705/2021

Address: Aleea Vitioarei 3 Bl. 84 Sc. B Et. 1 Ap. 26, 100287, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania

Termenii serviciului

Prin accesarea sau utilizarea PXM Forms ( ’’Serviciul’’), sunteti de acord in calitate de Utilizator  ca actionati sub prevederile urmatorilor termeni si conditii (’’Termeni’’).


Va rugam sa cititi  cu atentie acesti Termeni si sa va asigurati ca ii intelegeti. Daca nu intelegeti acesti  Termeni sau nu acceptati nicio parte a acestora, atunci nu puteti utiliza Serviciul.

Data intrarii in vigoare: 1 Iunie 2024

Despre noi

PixelMakers Studio S.R.L.(’’PixelMakers’’)  este o companie romaneasca, specializata in activitati de proiectare (design), programare, implementare si dezvoltare de aplicatii, automatizari, pagini de internet, magazine on-line si software- ca- serviciu.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre noi, puteti vizita https://pixelmakers.com

Obiectul Termenilor

PXM Forms este o aplicatie software creata de PixelMakers pentru gestionarea formularelor, ce ofera posibilitatea de integrare cu platforma Webflow.

Aceasta aplicatie se poate accesa in urma crearii unui Cont de utilizator.

Serviciul gestioneaza stocarea trimiterilor de formulare si se integreaza cu serviciul Google ReCaptcha pentru protectie impotriva spam- ului.

Toate datele din formular sunt stocate in Germania, pe Google Cloud Platform si Xano.

În calitate de Utilizator , puteti conecta formularul creat in Webflow cu PXM Forms. De asemenea, puteti configura software-ul pentru a trimite notificari prin e-mail si SMS pentru fiecare trimitere a formularului.

Termenii Contului de utilizator

In vederea utilizarii PXM Forms sunteti direct responsabil pentru mentinerea securitatii contului si a credentialelor de conectare. Nu acordati altor persoane acces la contul dvs. Serviciul nu va fi responsabil pentru nicio pierdere sau daune din nerespectarea de catre dumneavoastra a acestei obligatii de securitate.

Sunteti direct responsabil pentru activitatea care are loc in contul dvs. (chiar si continutul postat de alte persoane pe orice site care are  link-uri la Serviciu).


Nu puteti utiliza Serviciul in niciun scop ilegal sau pentru a incalca orice lege din jurisdictia dumneavoastra (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la legile privind drepturile de autor).

Trebuie sa ne furnizati informatii care sunt exacte si complete atunci cand va creati contul, de asemena vi se cere sa pastrati informatiile contului  actualizate.

Nu puteti folosi ca nume de utilizator numele altei persoane sau entitati sau care nu este disponibil din punct de vedere legal pentru utilizare, un nume sau o marca comerciala care face obiectul oricaror drepturi ale altei persoane sau entitati, alta decat dvs., fara autorizatia corespunzatoare sau nume care de altfel este vulgar, obscen sau ofensator.

Trebuie sa fii om. Nu sunt permise conturile inregistrate de „boti” sau alte metode automate.

Modificarile Serviciului

Serviciul isi rezerva dreptul ca in orice moment sa poata modifica sau intrerupe, temporar sau permanent, orice parte a Serviciului cu sau fara notificare.

Serviciul nu va fi raspunzator fata de dumneavoastra sau fata de orice terta parte pentru orice modificare, modificare a pretului, suspendare sau intrerupere a Serviciului.

Termeni de plata si garantie

Indiferent de planul taxabil ales, Serviciul se factureaza in avans, cu plata automata la data emiterii facturii.

Serviciul isi rezerva dreptul de a anula in mod automat  planul  ales daca debitarea contului dvs. bancar esueaza.

Orice modificare a taxei de plan aplicata de Serviciu va deveni efectiva la finalul  ciclului de facturare curent.

Orice upgradare sau retrogradare a planului efectuate de dvs., ca Utilizator,  vor deveni efective in cadrul ciclului de facturare curent.

Nu va exista o evaluare proportionala pentru upgradari sau retrogradari intre ciclurile de facturare.

Trecerea la o versiune inferioara  a Serviciului poate duce la pierderea functiilor sau a capacitatii contului dumneavoastra. Serviciul nu isi asuma nicio raspundere pentru o astfel de pierdere.


Anularea contului de utilizator

Sunteti singurul responsabil pentru anularea corecta a contului dvs. Va rugam sa trimiteti un e-mail la support@pixelmakers.com pentru a solicita anularea. Contul dumneavoastra nu este considerat anulat pana cand nu primiti un e-mail de confirmare de la Serviciu.

Tot continutul dvs. va fi inaccesibil din Serviciu imediat dupa anulare. In 60 de zile, toate datele pot fi sterse definitiv din toate copiile de rezerva si jurnalele. Informatiile nu pot fi recuperate dupa ce au fost sterse definitiv.

Limitarea raspunderii

În niciun caz Pixelmakers nu va fi raspunzator prin reprezentantii sai legali, angajatii si/sau colaboratorii sai pentru orice daune indirecte, incidentale, speciale, consecutive sau punitive, inclusiv, fara limitare, pierderi de profituri, date, utilizare sau alte pierderi intangibile care rezulta din:

Accesul dvs. la utilizarea Serviciului sau incapacitatea de a accesa sau utiliza Serviciul.

Orice conduita sau continut al oricarei terte parti din Serviciu.

Orice continut obtinut din Serviciu.

Acces, utilizare sau modificare neautorizata a transmisiilor sau a continutului dumneavoastra.

Prelucrarea datelor personale

Servicul va prelucra datele cu caracter personal exclusiv pentru scopul indeplinirii obligatiilor sale din colaborare.

Serviciul nu va distribui si/sau vinde datele personale.

Serviciul va fi raspunzator fata de dvs., in calitate de  Utilizator,  pentru prelucrarea datelor personale in concordanta cu dispozitiile articolului 28 alin. (3) al Regulamentului (UE) 2016 / 679 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date. 


Serviciul v-a dezvaluit sau va poate dezvalui informatii comerciale, tehnice, financiare sau de alta natura („Informatii confidentiale”) dvs., Utilizatorului. Informatiile noastre confidentiale includ in mod expres informatii non-publice privind caracteristicile, functionalitatea si performanta PXM Forms, inclusiv informatii legate de securitate si fiabilitate.

Informatiile confidentiale ale celuilalt vor fi utilizate numai pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor si/sau exercitarea drepturilor din acesti Termeni. Informatiile confidentiale trebuie protejate si respectate.

Legea aplicabila si solutionarea litigiilor

Acordul dintre PixelMakers si Utilizator, care sta la baza Termenilor prezenti, va fi  guvernat si interpretat exclusiv in conformitate cu legea romana, indiferent de nationalitatea Utilizatorului.

Orice neintelegere, diferend sau conflict in legatura cu existenta, valabilitatea, interpretarea, executarea sau incetarea acordului  va fi solutionata intr-o procedura prealabila de negociere, cu buna- credinta, care se va putea desfasura in 30 zile de la data initierii prin notificare.

În situatia in care nu se va ajunge la o solutionare pe cale amiabila in termenul de mai sus, PixelMakers si Utilizatorul sunt de acord ca disputa sa fie solutionata prin arbitrajul Curtii de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe langa Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei in conformitate cu Regulile de procedura arbitrala ale Curtii de Arbitraj Comercial International, in vigoare, publicate in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.

Intreaga intelegere a partilor

Acordul reprezinta intregul acord dintre dvs., in calitate de Utilizator, si noi, Serviciul; impreuna respectam si ne asumam Termenii expusi, incluzand, dar fara a ne limita la prevederile referitoare la incetarea  acordului (anulare), legea aplicabila si jurisdictia, limitarea raspunderii si orice alte clauze similare.

Actualizarea termenilor

Serviciul poate actualiza sau modifica acesti Termeni din cand in cand, la propria sa discretie, publicand modificarile pe site-ul sau web sau notificandu-va in alt mod pe dvs., Utilizatorul (o astfel de notificare poate fi prin e-mail).

Puteti urmari din cand in cand postarile noastre de pe site.


ANPC - www.anpc.gov.ro

SOL- https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show

Informatiile companiei

Nume: PixelMakers Studio Srl

TVA: RO 43917962

Inregistrare: J29/705/2021

EUID: ROONRC.J29/705/2021

Adresa: Aleea Vitioarei 3 Bl. 84 Sc. B Et. 1 Ap. 26, 100287, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania

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