Metasys Technologies

Metasys is an enterprise focusing on digital consulting across a variety of business functions, including HR, Procurement, Marketing, Finance, and Technology.

Planning & Content

Following an important aquisition, Metasys' team looked for a website redesign that has up-to-date information about their business and merges all of their exisiting websites into 1. After a careful planning session, we made a comprehensive sitemap and wireframe for their new website. We also provided scrapes of all of their websites + an AI model trained on their markting data to help their team move quickly.

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Website Design

While their team polished the content, we moved on with defining the visual strategy, and making the high-fidelity website versions. Following a few feedback & adjustments sessions, we came to the final look and feel for their website. We aimed for a playful, but enterprise-looking website.

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Webflow Development

With their approval, we moved everything to Webflow, made a extensive components system to make maintenance easy, integrated their existing tools (Google Analytics, Hubspot, Microsoft Clarity), and checked all Technical SEO items (metas, image optimizations, sitemap generation, rich snippets, redirects, and so much more). This ensured a complete website, ready to perform.

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Hubspot Migration

Once challenging aspect was migrating their main website from Hubspot to Webflow and a few smaller websites from WordPress to Webflow. To achieve this, we used the official Hubspot app from the Webflow Marketplace and developed scraping tools to move quicker.

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