Harrisons Landscaping

Harrisons Landscaping is a top-tier landscaping company based in Australia.

Webflow Development

The client came to us with an already prepared design, ready to be implemented. We made a pixel-perfect transfer to Webflow, added animations, integrated analytics, and covered all Technical SEO best practices (meta descriptions, rich snippets, redirects, image optimizations) to make sure the Website will perform well.

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WordPress Migration

As their old website was on WordPress, we migrated all content, and made redirects to make sure no traffic gets lost on the way. At the end, we transfered the website to client's account and provided a comprehensive tutorial to make website maintenance a breeze.

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Client feedback

Great job, guys! You were fantastic to work with. Your expertise shone through from the beginning of our project. Transitioning from WordPress was seamless.

Josh Harrison

Director at Harrisons Landscaping

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